• 游戏类型:角色扮演
  • 独立
  • 文字

Follow the real life events of the late Roman Emperor Caligula and his dear sweet sister Drusilla during his short reign. You will explore Rome and deal with the senate while living the life of an Emperor. Story/Game "I am Caligula" Will be the most in depth story driven game about Caligula ever made. What we have done is take the very best parts from our Caligula series which has been our most successful and put them into one game. The player will experience strong RPG elements with a beautiful visual novel style art. Features: -RPG level progression. -Historical weapons and armor to equip your party with. -Voice overs at key story events. -Quest system. -F5 to change screen size.

* 该游戏相关资料均来源于电游阁 - 游戏评测网站大全用户上传

